Clear Air Turbulence

Clear Air Turbulence
The Clear Air Turbulence module reviews the challenges presented by clear air turbulence and some techniques for predicting and managing flight in areas of clear air turbulence. The training includes a review of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 00-6B: Aviation Weather, AC 00-30C: Clear Air Turbulence Avoidance, and AC 120-88A: Prevention of Injuries Caused by Turbulence.


There is no specific requirement to train on Clear Air Turbulence under Part 135 unless you have added it to your training program requirements. We can include Clear Air Turbulence as a stand-alone eLearning module or as part of the Weather module.
There is no specific International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) or Business Aviation Safety Consortium (BASC) requirement for the Clear Air Turbulence module. This eLearning module can be used as your hazard mitigation tool to reduce your organization's risk of injury due to clear air turbulence.
  • Jetstream
  • Mountain Waves
  • Wake Turbulence
  • Thunderstorms
  • Challenges and Techniques
