2015 IS-BAO Revisions Affecting Training

2015 IS-BAO Revisions Affecting Training

  • April
  • 23
  • 2015
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy


Third and last on our list, Cabin crew safety training has been rolled into IS-BAO 5.3.1 to provide the same emergency procedures and equipment training to anybody who has duties on the airplane (“all aircraft crewmembers”). The separate section on cabin crew safety training, with its list of specific items, has been deleted as the standard and moved to Implementation Guidance (IG).  The same “all equipment” trained to “competency” now applies to cabin crew. Emergency evacuation drills are now also required.

If you are planning an IS-BAO registration audit this year beginning on July 1st or later, these revisions will be applicable, as you will be audited against the 2015 Standard.  In any case, continuing conformity requires that you have an effective process in place for assessing, documenting, and implementing the applicable revisions to the IS-BAO each year.  These latest training changes are fairly major and will require revisions to the Training Program at most of the operators that we see.

As both Training and IS-BAO are what we do here at Advanced Aircrew Academy, let us know if we can help.  We can be reached at 843-557-1266. Advanced Aircrew Academy is an International Standards Support Services Affiliate (ISSSA) for IS-BAO.

