Are You Putting Lipstick on Your Pilots?

Are You Putting Lipstick on Your Pilots?

  • March
  • 02
  • 2021
  • Erika Armstrong

You can spend millions on the most sophisticated business jet in the world, but it is only as safe as your pilot's decisions. Making the conscious effort to skimp on pilot training is like putting lipstick on a pig; it's a futile effort to disguise a fundamental failing.

When it comes to training the most valuable asset in a corporate jet, let's listen in on what happens too often in the business aviation world. The phone call goes something like this:

"Hey Erika. We need to make some changes to our ground training. We just added another new corporate jet to our flight department and need to train some new pilots, but my boss doesn't want to spend more than $600 per person, so is there a way to reduce the scope of our training and still comply with the rules…?"

My brain explodes with the irony of spending $35M on an airplane, but the most important safety feature is whittled down to not wanting to spend more than $1.64/day on ground training. Does the bare minimum of safety work for you?

I've worked in Part 91, 135, and 121. I've seen the contrast and different levels of safety cultures. Some flight departments are willing to ride the edge of safety to save a penny, but the peripheral cost has been enormous. Others understand that creating a strong safety culture has the best return on investment. Investing in your pilot's training is priceless.

A safe flight begins the moment your pilot walks to the airplane. Does your pilot come equipped with the core foundational knowledge to handle all the variables that will happen on any given trip? In the 2021 edition of the Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM), there are 1,184 pages and your pilot is expected to know it all. That knowledge is (hopefully) already in a pilot's brain, but what recurrent ground training does is keep the cobwebs off the synapses so that when that ENG FAIL light comes on, your pilot has ALL the brain tools needed to get that aircraft to the runway safely.

Advanced Aircrew Academy was formed because two pilots saw a need for better ground training in the industry, so they spent the next fourteen years perfecting it. As a result, Aircrew Academy now has 75+ topics/modules and curriculums for your Part 91 and/or 135 flight department that are customized and streamlined. We have the content to meet your training needs for everyone in your flight department including pilots, flight/cabin attendants, mechanics/engineers, scheduler/dispatchers, and line service technicians.

Our superior eLearning content is the result of our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and frequent updates. Each of our eLearning modules has an industry expert responsible for developing and maintaining the training material. Our SMEs are active business aviation pilots, mechanics, and flight attendants. They regularly attend industry Safety Stand-downs, are members of FAA/Industry working groups and NBAA committees, and are subscribed to blogs, journals, and other publications to stay on top of what's relevant and changing in the industry.

Our SMEs make updates to the courseware weekly while you can measure our competitor's frequency of updates to eLearning content in years. We don't read the content to you, we figured you already know how to read, so you can go at the pace you prefer.

Want to take a look? Just email or call 843-557-1266 and ask for a free demo. We've worked with over 500 flight departments, so we've seen it all. We've also dealt with many POI/PIs and know best practices so we can help you show the FAA how you are complying with training requirements.

And we can do it for less than the price of a Latte per day. Put the lipstick away and contact us today.
