CPDLC-DCL in the NY Metropolitan Airspace

CPDLC-DCL in the NY Metropolitan Airspace

  • December
  • 10
  • 2015
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy

Approximately 75% of all delays in the National Airspace System occur due to delays in the NY Metropolitan Area airspace. As we have experienced, these delays determine the course of the aviation industry on a daily basis. The ability to transport passengers and goods in a timely and cost-effective manner becomes a daily challenge.

The FAA's New York Area Program Integration Office (NYPIAO) was created for safer and more efficient air travel in the TEB, JFK, EWR, LGA, and surrounding areas. To facilitate change regarding these concerns, the Delay Reduction Plan was formulated to coordinate the many activities called "delay reduction initiatives." Also, the FAA's Data Communications is a key transformational program within the FAA's NextGen endeavor. Data Communications constitutes the first phase (S1P1) of the transition from the current decades old analog voice system to a digital mode of communication between air traffic controllers and pilots. The system is officially known as controller pilot data link communications-departure clearance (CPDLC-DCL). This change will ease the burden on congested voice channels and assist in reducing human factor errors, misunderstood communications, and read back/hear back errors while increasing efficiency.

The Harris Corporation is the FAA's prime contractor for implementing CPDLC-DCL at certain airports throughout the country. On February 17, 2016, Harris held a webinar discussing the operational benefits and pilot procedures associated with this technology. It will allow aircraft with FANS-1A to receive clearances and reroutes through CPDLC while on the ground at their departure airport. For certain avionics platforms, the ability to automatically load clearances into the FMS is also available. DCL will be available at TEB in late March 2016 and is most recently available at EWR airport. For all your CPDLC-DCL training needs, contact Advanced Aircrew Academy for an in-depth, up-to-date CPDLC-DCL module.
