Dangerous Goods Training Update

Dangerous Goods Training Update

  • February
  • 01
  • 2022
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy

It's time to update your Operations Manual for US DOT Chart 17 Hazardous Materials Markings, Labeling and Placarding Guide. You can download the chart here. If you use Advanced Aircrew Academy for training, your training has been updated.

DOT Chart 17 is a reference aid to help pilots and ground personnel recognize hazardous materials. It can be used to determine if a specific label on a package is a hazardous material label or a general package label.

DOT Chart 16 was published in 2017. What has changed in the last four years to necessitate an update to the chart?

  • There was a change to how identification numbers may be displayed.
  • A Lithium Battery Handling Mark replaces the Lithium Battery Handling Label.
  • The ORM-D Consumer Commodity mark was removed.
  • A biohazard mark was added.
  • A petroleum sour crude oil mark was added.
  • The Class 9 Miscellaneous label was revised.

Do you really need to have access to the current DOT Chart and train on Dangerous Goods if you are not an air carrier and don't carry Hazmat? In the United States, the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs) are published by the Department of Transportation. The HMR regulations apply to aircraft operating "in commerce". The definition of in commerce is not the same as the FAA definition of an air carrier. The definition of "in commerce" includes any aircraft owner that pays any pilot to operate it or, if you own and fly an airplane and put your employees onboard to fly in furtherance of the business, you are "in commerce" and the HMRs apply to you. That means you must comply with the HMRs and train on recognition of hazardous materials even if you don't carry any.

Once you cross the U.S. border, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations apply. The 63rd edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations, which became effective on 1 January 2022, includes provisions on competency-based training and assessment (CBTA).
