How We Can Normalize Excellence At Safety Standdown

How We Can Normalize Excellence At Safety Standdown

  • October
  • 11
  • 2018
  • Dan Boedigheimer

Defining Normalization Of Excellence

This year's theme of the Bombardier Safety Standdown is the Normalization of Excellence. How do you define Normalization of Excellence?  Tony Kern, in his article The Normalization of Excellence Sounds cool – what is it?, says the definition may not be commonly understood and one goal for Standdown this year is to help Webster write a definition based on our experience.

Advanced Aircrew Academy has organized and is moderating the workshop Safety, Education, Experience Talks. The workshop will feature 10 influential business aviation professionals who will share experiences on creative ways they have mitigated a specific hazard in their organization to effectively manage risk. In other words, they'll share how they have normalized excellence in their organization; how they identified the hazard, what they did to mitigate it, and how they are measuring success or failure.

Each of the talks will demonstrate the definition of the Normalization of Excellence. You should be able to craft your definition of this year's Standdown theme by attending this workshop. It will be up to you to identify the common themes these professionals used and take the techniques that will work for your organization to apply and share with others.

Talks will address change management, ground support equipment, high altitude supplemental oxygen use, RNAV departure procedures, automation errors, runway excursions, personal errors, fatigue management, and more.

We hope to see you at Safety Standdown!
