Runway Excursion Trends

Runway Excursion Trends

  • February
  • 16
  • 2022
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy

Runway Excursions continue to be the #1 incident type in business aviation with 34 runway excursions in the United States in 2021. This is a 35% increase in excursions over 2020.

  • January and August each had 5 excursions.
  • Light jets (less than 21,000 pounds) continue to have the majority of excursions (more than 50%) followed by turboprops (30%).
  • 20% had a mechanical issue and 15% were on a short flight of less than 200 miles.

In 2021, the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) published the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE). The GAPPRE included 101 recommendations organized by group for airport operators, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators, aircraft manufacturers, regulators, and researchers. For aircraft operators, there were 35 recommendations.

Advanced Aircrew Academy has developed a GAPPRE checklist to review and evaluate which recommendations may apply to your flight department. The checklist tool allows you to document what changes you want to consider to reduce your risk of a runway excursion. This great tool to use within your Safety Management System is available for free to anyone in the industry. Contact us at to request a copy of the spreadsheet.
