Keeping Up: 2015 IS-BAO Revisions Are Issued

Keeping Up: 2015 IS-BAO Revisions Are Issued

  • February
  • 10
  • 2015
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy


This year and every year, IS-BAO registered operators need to review, interpret, document, and then implement the changes that are applicable to their operation. As an example, Advanced Aircrew Academy has completed the review and assessment for applicability of the entirety of the 2015 revisions for a client. This work produced a list of 19 interpreted and explained revisions. Ten of these were assessed as requiring action, which the operator will implement over the course of the year ahead.

If you are planning an IS-BAO audit during 2015, you can expect the auditor to look at the process you have or will put in place for assessing and implementing the IS-BAO revisions each year. This can be a load of work. Just interpreting what each IS-BAO revision means can require an advanced degree in IS-BAO, which is a skill not always available in busy flight departments. If you think we can help you lighten this load, give Advanced Aircrew Academy a call at 843-557-1266. Advanced Aircrew Academy is an International Standards Support Services Affiliate (ISSSA) for IS-BAO.
