Less than 30 days to comply…are you ready?

Less than 30 days to comply…are you ready?

  • November
  • 04
  • 2013
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy

OSHA LogoNew GHS Standard Compliance Deadline Less Than One Month Away

Less than one month remains for employers to train employees on the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification (GHS).

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandated the training of thousands of flight department employees by December 1, 2013 to educate them on the identification of and protection from hazardous chemicals in the workplace. The new Hazard Communication Standard phases in specific requirements over the next few years with full standard implementation in 2016. OSHA’s 1983 Hazard Communication Standard gave workers the right to know. In this new, Globally Harmonized System (GHS), the standard also provides employees with the right to understand the information they are provided with in the workplace.

The new system, based on an international standard and designed to create one global system of hazard communication, introduces a new set of pictograms, requirements for safety data sheets, labeling format, and more.

The deadline for OSHA’s first phase of staggered implementation for the new Hazard Communication Standard is approaching quickly. Advanced Aircrew Academy can assist in training all employees that use, handle, or store hazardous chemicals to be trained on the concepts of GHS by December 1, 2013.
