- May
- 06
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
When we layer on a non-precision approach coupled to our FMS ability to VNAV down a VDP from the FAF to the runway, the plot really thickens. If you have been flying lots of VNAV VDPs down to near the pavement without any problem, you are definitely in the danger...
- April
- 23
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Third and last on our list, Cabin crew safety training has been rolled into IS-BAO 5.3.1 to provide the same emergency procedures and equipment training to anybody who has duties on the airplane (“all aircraft crewmembers”). The separate section on cabin crew safety training, with its list of specific...
- February
- 24
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
If a crewmember who is required to take a test or a flight check under this part, completes the test or flight check in the calendar month before or after the calendar month in which it is required, that crewmember is considered to have completed the test or check...
- February
- 17
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
The two most frequently cited sources are AC 90-108, Use of Suitable Area Navigation (RNAV) Systems on Conventional Routes and Procedures, and the AIM, in Paragraph 1-2-3. As the current AIM language is basically a repeat of portions of AC 90-108, let’s focus on the AC. As it turns...
- February
- 10
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
This year and every year, IS-BAO registered operators need to review, interpret, document, and then implement the changes that are applicable to their operation. As an example, Advanced Aircrew Academy has completed the review and assessment for applicability of the entirety of the 2015 revisions for a client. This...
- February
- 03
- 2015
- Dan Boedigheimer
After seeing an advertisement by Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA) for the book Pilots In Command: Your Best Trip, Every Trip I preordered a copy weeks before the release. The description of the book was it offered “solid advice from real pilot to student and professional aviators alike about how to...
- January
- 27
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
OK, but what’s the cost of NOT going around? What is the damage to your and your company’s reputation when you go sliding off the end into the EMAS with the buckets fully deployed? When was the last time you heard about a plane on social media doing a...
- January
- 21
- 2015
- Dan Boedigheimer
The crew was able to get one engine restarted at 10,000 feet and landed safety in Sarasota, FL. The incident was a wakeup call to prepare for what I previously thought was an impossibility. In Captain Dave Montgomery’s book Blue Water Ditching: Training Professional Crewmembers for the Unthinkable Disaster, he...
- January
- 13
- 2015
- Dan Boedigheimer
One change to discuss with your Part 142 training provider is incorporating hands-on training on use of the oxygen mask, mask settings, communicating with masks donned, and venting of smoke goggles. From a policy perspective, a review of your smoke, fire, or fumes checklists and SOP guidance is recommended. The...
- January
- 08
- 2015
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Relatively new regulations require aircraft operating in designated classes of airspace (about anywhere a transponder is required) to be equipped with ADS-B Out beginning January 1, 2020. The FAA has issued a new Advisory Circular (AC), 90-114A to facilitate operations, including general operating procedures and performance and training requirements, when...
- December
- 31
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
When required to make this altitude correction, pilots must also inform ATC so that the controller can ensure appropriate vertical separation is applied between known traffic. Be sure to announce where and how much you will be applying the correction factor. These corrections should not be applied while being radar...
- December
- 16
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Quest Diagnostics, a large independent testing lab, reported that in 2013, after 10 years of decline, drug test positivity is on the rise fueled primarily from the use of marijuana and amphetamines. Even though the aviation workforce has a very low positive drug and alcohol test rate compared to...
- November
- 06
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Given the FAA’s stated exercise of its legislative authority, OSHA historically has not attempted to enforce the provisions of the OSH Act with respect to flight deck crew on an aircraft in operation. Where the FAA has not preempted OSHA from enforcing its standards and regulations, OSHA generally has exercised...
- October
- 23
- 2014
- Dan Boedigheimer
Since Dr. Reason has been researching and publishing for the better part of 40 years, I recommend this book, “A Life in Error,” as the first book of his that you read. The book does not go into the level of detail to learn the intricacies of each of...
- October
- 16
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
TO: Manager of External Change Your Operation FROM: AAA SUBJECT: Upcoming Airspace and IFR Procedural Changes The rolling stone that constitutes NextGen is picking up additional momentum following the North Texas airspace redo in November. We would have expected a pause to regroup and refresh, but this performer is going...
- October
- 14
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Data Comm is an important component of the total NextGen system. Elements of it have been in live operational trials at Memphis and Newark since 2011, with the general rollout commencing in June, 2015 at SLC, IAH, and HOU. Another 56 airports are planned to be online by the end...
- October
- 03
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
Here is AAA’s thinking on just this one revision item: Fatigue Risk Management Program Affected Sections: 4 – Organization and Personnel Requirements, 6 – Flight Operations, Appendix B – Implementation Guidance. Section 4.8 has been added to the Standard and to the Protocols, and Recommended Practices have been added to...
- September
- 29
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
This particular conundrum has compliance consequences for you Part 135 and 121 operators out there, but the lines are open and opinions welcome from anyone who wants to chime in. Here is the set up: The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH), in Chapter 1, Departure Procedures, states the following: The FAA...
- September
- 22
- 2014
- Dan Boedigheimer
When I downloaded the AC, the first thing I noticed was it did not grow in length. Identical to the original publication, AC 91-79A is still 39 pages long. My assumption based on the same page count was the changes were going to be minimal. A closer attention to detail...
- September
- 19
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
With apologies to all of you who operate out of airports in the North Texas Metroplex, the fact is that your airspace and procedures rollover, scheduled for September 18, will be the second in the series, following Houston’s launch on May 28. Hopefully you can find some comfort in the...
- September
- 16
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
The Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) technology is often a topic in most recent aviation headlines. Just in the last few weeks, ADS-B has been a recurring theme in the AIN publication. See the links below for more information on these updates to ADS-B. Aircraft Tail Blocking Complicated by...
- September
- 11
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
When was the last time you let perfectly good runway slip by as you searched for that sweet touchdown? Did it occur to you that if you are still flying, then you are not stopping? Consider the certification parameters. The test pilot, in order to produce the data in...
- August
- 28
- 2014
- Dan Boedigheimer
When Raytheon first published wet and contaminated runway performance data for the Beechjet, it was included in an AFM supplement with the subtitle “non-FAA approved.” The data was added to the AFM for operators in other countries that required wet and contaminated to be published for the equivalent of a...
- August
- 26
- 2014
- Advanced Aircrew Academy
At the moment the new site is in test mode, so if you are a user (heh heh), the existing www.raimprediction.net is still where you need to go for the prediction service. While you are there, you can also read all about the migration to the new site and...
- August
- 21
- 2014
- Dan Boedigheimer
Would you apply wet runway landing performance numbers in that instance? That is one of the key challenges in determining accurate landing distance data. At 200 knots 10 miles from the airport, how can you accurately assess runway condition at an uncontrolled airport? Sure you could always be conservative and...