Why is the FAA establishing ADS-B technology?

Why is the FAA establishing ADS-B technology?

  • April
  • 03
  • 2014
  • Advanced Aircrew Academy
You may have asked yourself, “Why the FAA has established ADS-B technology?” and “Why is it important to me as a pilot?” Here are Advanced Aircrew Academy’s Top Nine reasons why ADS-B is important to flightcrews:
1. ADS-B is an environmentally friendly technology that enhances safety and efficiency while benefiting pilots, controllers, airports, airlines, and the public.
2. ADS-B forms the foundation for NextGen by moving from ground radar and navigational aids to precise tracking using satellite signals.
3. ADS-B provides greater coverage since ground stations are so much easier to place and less expensive than radar. Remote areas without radar coverage, like the Gulf of Mexico and parts of Alaska, now have surveillance with ADS-B.
4. GPS positions that are reported by ADS-B are more accurate and more consistent than the current radar positions.
5. Closer spacing can be used in the IFR environment than at present, providing much-needed capacity improvements in congested airspace.
6. Aircraft fly more directly from Point A to Point B, saving time and money while reducing fuel burn and emissions.
7. Pilots can see – and avoid – hazardous weather, terrain, and other aircraft and receive flight information such as temporary flight restrictions. Pilots for the first time see what controllers see with ADS-B: displays showing other aircraft in the sky.
8. ADS-B can be used for tracking taxiing aircraft on the ground at many airports. This technology may help reduce runway incursions through cockpit and controller displays, even at night and during low visibility conditions.
9. ADS-B coverage provides improved surveillance for search-and-rescue operations. In addition to oceanic surveillance, ADS-B supports aircraft tracking in harsh, remote regions where radar installations are not feasible because of ice loading and wind problems.
For more information about FAA Approved ADS-B training, see our our ADS-B course page.
