CRM / Human Factors: Scheduler/Dispatcher/Office Staff
The Crew Resource Management / Human Factors module for Scheduler / Dispatcher / Office Staff addresses the communication loop focusing on sender issues, such as mitigated speech and the halo effect, as well as receiving issues, such as authority gradient, information overload, and active listening skills. The communication section ends with a review of barriers to communication. The Situational Awareness section reviews the three levels of situational awareness: Perception, Comprehension, and Projection. Factors that reduce and increase situational awareness are presented. The Shared Mental Model (SMM) concept for improved team situational awareness is included. The module ends with a review of expectation bias. The Stress portion reviews the Yerkes–Dodson curve, which describes the relationship between stress and performance. From the left side of the curve where there is too little stress to the right side where too much stress negatively affects our performance, we include tools and techniques to manage stress across the spectrum. The module also includes the key sources of stress, chromic stress symptoms, and how to develop resilience.