Ground Vehicle Access Program

Ground Vehicle Access Program
The Ground Vehicle Access Program module was created in response to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5210-20A Ground Vehicle Operations to include Taxiing or Towing an Aircraft on Airports. It includes training on safe ground vehicle operations, personnel taxiing or towing an aircraft, and pedestrian control on the movement and safety areas of an airport. Vehicle operations includes aircraft being taxied under their own power by a non-pilot, or being towed with no intention for flight.


The overall responsibility for the operation of vehicles on an airport rests with the airport operator. The airport operator may require training for ground personnel to operate in the movement and safety areas of the airport.
The module is not required by the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) or Business Aviation Safety Consortium (BASC) standard. The overall responsibility for the operation of vehicles on an airport rests with the airport operator. The airport operator may require training for ground personnel to operate in the movement and safety areas of the airport.
  • Purpose
  • Vehicle Operating Requirements
  • Taxi and Towing
  • Runway Incursions, Safety, and Security
  • Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  • Airport Familiarization Day/Night
  • Communications
  • Preventative Measures
